Wednesday, August 02, 2006


The Independent did not cover us on its front page today.
I died a little.

Does it take another Qana to keep your attention for a little while longer?


Anonymous said...

Well, you can ask Hez to throw a few more children on the barbecue if you really want. They certainly seem perfectly willing to do so.

Or you could try actually doing something to rid yourselves of the Hez terrorists who dragged you into this mess. That would be sufficiently novel to get us to sit up and take notice. Plus it would be easier on the kiddies.

Anonymous said...

You're a lost cause, achillea, you cannot judge the material facts all by yourself and you need the biased media to tell you "the truth". You just don't get it!!! I pray God to bless you with two extra neurons, I ask the others readers of this blog to join me and you're also welcome, achillea :) Trust me, it's for your own good!!!

On second note, I have just realised you did a good job when choosing your blog title, one can clearly see what your weak point is ;)

Anonymous said...

It saddens me deeply to find that people are referred to as 'Hezs' and kiddies 'on the barbecue', as if ignorance and hatred were the only common denominator in this equation.
Shame on us humans...

Rasha said...

What's your point, avrum?

At least your victims have names.... Ours remain as numbers because of the sheer magnitude of your offensive, and the fact that you do not give time for the families to bury their dead before the IDF bombs them again...

Anonymous said...

Dear Miss Rasha whose words are full of wisdom,

It must be a wonderful event for you to have captured the attention of the Israeli Army (so impressively know as the IDF, and Tsahal with its Golani brigade and Mirkava tanks and and and...). I don't have a blog of my own; like the Cyber Soldiers I am a parasite who likes to infest other people's blogs and get on their nerves, push them to say something that is not "politically correct" and then accuse them of anti-Semitism. Beware of this trap.

Achillea... I saw a picture on Israeli TV a few days ago that really shocked me: Israeli kiddies writing death wishes to the kiddies of Lebanon on artillery shells to be used in South Lebanon. Listen, I also heard that when the death toll reaches 1000 in Lebanon the IDF is going to fire salute salvos on what is left of the suburbs of Beirut... really nice, can't wait till it hits 1000.

Miss Rasha: Your efforts with the Brits are wonderful, and the policeman eventually winked! Forgive me for being too much of a cynic, but I think he did that to get rid of you without causing a scene, the same way Tony Blair has been saying that he’s working on a cease-fire and that he interrupted his vacation to meet with the other imbeciles of his cabinet or government or whatever you call that freaks show that he’s heading. Don’t count much on European public opinion. Before the war on Iraq started, London and Paris had the biggest demonstrations in the world against the war. What happened? The brits sent the “Black Rats” (the Brits always come up with impressive names don’t they???) to Basora (it’s called Basra for a fuck’s sake not Basora) and they are still there, enjoying the war. Now they are not even disturbed by what is happening in “the Lebanon,” except for Robert Fisk, who is still struggling but whose appearance as a front page feature depends on how many people died the night before…

We’ll make it on our own. It’s better that way. Without the Iranis, the Brits, the American, the French, the Syrians Saudis Sudanese Somalis Egyptians Turks…

This is too long for a comment, but like you I am not in Beirut, and I wish I was, so writing is my only act of solidarity.

Anonymous said...

Mahmoud, as a person living in London I have to tell you that most of the Brits are supporting us and the wink was real. a policeman stopped me the other day to ask about the "stop war on Lenbanon" badge that I was wearing because he wanted one for himself. He is not allowed to have it on his uniform but he bought one and he will wear it when he is off duty.
Also, I was approached by a group of colleagues, all British, who had ideas for fund raising event. Three days later, we were in the event and gathered a lot of money for the displaced in Lebanon. Most of the people who attended that event were not Lebanese...
Another Irish friend is also writing letters to MPs and getting his word heard and getting more people to send out letters like this as well.
So the Europeans can see the reality and the horrible massacre that the israelis are performing in Lebanon, and they not only have an opinion, but they are also actively helping and getting their opinion heard. check the Independent's last few issues ;-)

Anonymous said...

Miss Lina,

Please don't get me wrong. I am positive that there are good people everywhere. But if the majority of the Brits know what is happening in Lebanon and that Britain is a democratic country where public opinion counts, then why is Tony the ass Blair still refusing to make any serious independent efforts to push for a cease-fire? Same applies to French, Americans, etc...

Yesterday a I was watching a talk show on LBC Europe (Marcel Ghanem). He was hosting two imbecilic MPs: Akram Shehayeb and Abbas Hachem. The later, who is a vicious fighter hiding in the safety and security of his money and wealth felt he was delegated to speak in the name of all the people who were homeless and said that “the people”, the famous “al sha3eb” in Arabic, will resist, and will have sardines from cans as long as it takes to defeat Israel. Sounds patriotic. But then a man called. His name was Abbas Abbas, a normal man, a nobody, a man from “the people”. Live on TV, he accused Abbas Hachem of being a thief, told him to stick the sardine cans in his ass, that “the people” did not need his sardines and will fight without them. He had lost his wife, two sons, a brother, his wife and their 1-year-old baby in a single bombing. He was rebuilding his house for the third time.

Miss Lina, the Lebanese don’t need sardine cans from London or anywhere else in this world. There are actually plenty of supplies to last us long enough to finish this war. What we need from London is a political decision, try to get that from the Brits, ask them to stand against Israel, and tell me what there answer will be…

With much respect,

Mahmoud Itani

P.S.: I read the Independent regularly. If you like Robert Fisk, you should get his famous book on Lebanon: Pity the Nation.

Anonymous said...

Mahmoud, you have a point re action from the government, but the people are doing that and we cannot deny it. You swiftly skipped what I told you about the Irish friend of mine and what he is doing. There are so mny people like him and doing all they can to push their MPs. My partner is Finnish and he did contact his political representatives the third day afte war on Lebanon started.
As for the second imporant point, if you say that the money that we collect to send their is not needed, it means that you're telling me that the problem is solved and no one needs anything to eat and have the basic physiological needs they require. You need to look at some statistics from charities and relief centers working in Lebanon to understand that every penny is needed. If you lost your house, and work and you're living in a garden or school trying to keep your family alive, then you will need this money.
PS: read it already ;-)

Anonymous said...

Miss Lina,

Indeed there are people in Ireland, Finland and other nations who have strongly objected to the war. But one should have a broader perspective to understand the coming flow of events: aren't there people who are also supporting Israel in this war? I think there are many in England, France and the States who are for such a war, and they are the majority apparently. That's why the Israelis are taking all their time to reach their targets (would be really great if someone could tell us what those targets trully are).

On that second point, again I beg you not to misunderstand what I am saying. All help and support is greatly needed, but what is needed the most is to cease hostilities. The reconstruction and all these things we can manage with Gulf petro dollars. And unfortunately, it does not seem that the "West" is soon going to pressure Israel into a cease-fire.


Mahmoud Itani

P.S.: I think Tony Blairhead should read Fisk's book. Maybe he'll explain it to his dear friend George...