Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Hello again

Fine, I'll get back to writing because staring at the same posts over and over and trying to summon some form of witty comment on life and whatnot is a bit depressing. So I'll just write about nothing. A daunting Nothing, that is.

I got myself a little kitten that I can project all my lack of affection and winter-fear onto. She's just about the most adorable being on earth, and has become the only thing at the moment that makes me laugh. She's all black, but she really is the most un-black thing at the moment. She's so black actually that it's hard to take a picture of her. She's just a black outline in all the photos, and if I use flash, her eyes make her look like the devil. But she's cute, trust me.

Apart from all of this black talk, well, there's nothing much to say...

I promise I'll be better tomorrow, and might even find something remotely interesting to write about.

At least I got a new post!


Anonymous said...

ok... go on...

bored said...

so i'm not the only one who though that this post is missing...

Anonymous said...

Bss commerce extension
Fantastic post to read